Weisel Gabelstapler + Transporte GmbH

Weisel Gabelstapler + Transporte GmbH

Business Description:

Machinery Designing and Processing, Special Transportation Equipment, Electric Shavers, Oversized Goods Transport, Lift trucks, Single-purpose machines

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Weisel Gabelstapler + Transporte GmbH





Company Head Office:

Weisel Gabelstapler + Transporte GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 23
554 53


Special handling equipment

Special handling equipment - quality brands such as BAKA, AISLE-MASTER or Hyundai. Special handling equipment - such as universal stowing machines, platform trucks and tractors, mechanical trucks, etc.

Pallet trucks

Pallet trucks will allow you quick and easy handling in warehouses, containers, wagons and trucks. Pallet trucks are standardly equipped with a double steering wheel and one or two tandem swinging castor wheels in the forks of the truck.

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GermanyTrade > Hardware and Machinery > Machinery Designing and Processing > Weisel Gabelstapler + Transporte GmbH